Use abapGit for version control!

Hands On with abapGit

ca. € 34,90

Verfügbar ab 05.08.2024

87 Seiten, 2024
E-Book-Formate: PDF, EPUB, Online
SAP PRESS, ISBN 978-1-4932-2582-8

Your practical guide to implementing abapGit is here! Get step-by-step instructions for installing abapGit and creating your first project. Then see how to organize package structures and push, pull, and branch code changes using abapGit. Set up an initial Git repository, commit to the main branch, and start a feature branch using abapGit in both individual projects and distributed projects with a whole team. With information on contributing to open source projects and advanced topics like abaplint and CI/CD, this E-Bite is what ABAPers have been waiting for!

  • Install abapGit in Eclipse and SAP GUI
  • Learn to use abapGit in common development scenarios
  • Integrate linters and tools for CI/CD
Colby Hemond is a senior technical consultant at Bowdark Consulting, where he is dedicated to bringing innovative ideas and solutions to clients and supporting them in their digital transformation.

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Verfügbar ab 05.08.2024

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